Reactor Engineering 2022
The National Nuclear Center hosted annual training courses in Reactor Technologies, organized under the agreement on training personnel in peaceful use of atomic energy between the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This training course is one of the links in the Japanese program for the lecturers-instructors training for Asian countries planning the creation of nuclear industry. The Program was established in 1996 by the Nuclear Industry Training Center with financial support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. The purpose of the Program is to promote international cooperation, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of personnel training for the nuclear industry and create a consistent and sustainable personnel training system. The training courses under this Program are held based on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in Tokai and include such topics as “Reactor Engineering”, “Radiation Monitoring”, “Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Accidents”, where the NNC’s annually took part to improve the skills.
Reactor Engineering follow-up training courses have been held since 2015 based on the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch RSE NNC RK with the direct assistance of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
This year, ten NNC’s employees attended in the training. The IAE’s specialists took part as coordinators, instructors and lecturers of the course, many of them previously completed the JAEA’s Instructor Training Program. The Program included lectures delivered by te NNC’s specialists and Dr. Hideo Harada, a visiting lecturer from the JAEA. In terms of the training course, practical classes have been conducted on the fundamentals of materials science.
As Mr. Harada noted, all participants when training showed a sufficient level of knowledge and skills that was confirmed by the results of entrance and final testing. Traditionally, on the closing day, all participants were awarded certificates confirming the successful completion of the Reactor Engineering training course.