License of the State Institution “Department of State Architectural and Construction Control of the East Kazakhstan Region” “Design Activity” 1-category No. 19015400 dated 07.19.2019:
- Design of engineering systems and networks, including:
- Systems of indoor and outdoor electric lighting, power supply up to 0.4 kV and up to 10 kV
- Power supply up to 35 kV, up to 110 kV and more
- Indoor systems of low-current devices (telephony, fire and security alarms), as well as their outdoor networks
- Indoor heating systems (including electrical), ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, gasification (low pressure gas supply), as well as their outdoor networks with auxiliary facilities
- Indoor water supply systems (hot and cold water) and sewerage systems, as well as their outdoor networks with auxiliary facilities
- Technological design (development of the technological part of construction projects) of buildings and structures for housing and civil purposes, including:
- for preschool education, comprehensive and special education, boarding schools, training institutions, research, cultural, educational and entertainment institutions, trade enterprises (including pharmacies), health care (treatment and prevention of diseases, rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment), public catering and consumer services, physical culture and health and sports activities, recreation and tourism, as well as other multifunctional buildings and complexes with premises for various public purposes
- Technological design (development of the technological part of construction projects) of industrial facilities, including:
- For hoisting and transport devices and elevators
- Tower and mast type structures
- Urban planning (with the right to design for urban planning rehabilitation of areas of historical development, excepting scientific and restoration work on historical and cultural monuments) and planning, including the development of:
- Sewerage schemes for settlements and industrial complexes, including a centralized system for collecting and discharging household, industrial and storm sewage, placement of lead treatment facilities, evaporators and waste recovery facilities
- Power supply schemes for settlements with placement of facilities for generation and supply of electricity in the building system, as well as power supply for industrial complexes located in inter-settlement areas
- Planning documentation (integrated schemes of urban planning of territories – projects of district planning, master plans of settlements, projects of detailed planning and development projects of districts, microdistricts, quarters, individual sections)
- Schemes of heat supply of settlements with the placement of facilities for the generation and supply of heat energy in the building system, as well as heat supply of industrial complexes located in inter-settlement areas
- Architectural design for buildings and structures of the first or second and third levels of responsibility (with the right to design for architectural and restoration work, excepting scientific restoration work on historical and cultural monuments), including:
- General plans of objects, engineering preparation of the territory, improvement and organization of relief
- Construction design (with the right to design for overhaul repair and (or) reconstruction of buildings and structures, as well as reinforcement of structures for each of the following works) and design, including:
- Metal (steel, aluminum and alloy) structures
- Concrete and reinforced concrete, stone and reinforced masonry structures
- Bases and foundations
- Technological design (development of the technological part of construction projects) of industrial facilities, including:
- For the energy industry
License of the State Institution “Department of State Architectural and Construction Control of the East Kazakhstan Region” “Construction and Installation Works” 1-category No. 19015142 dated 17.07.2019:
- Arrangement of engineering networks and systems, including overhaul repair and reconstruction, including:
- Power supply networks and outdoor electric lighting devices, indoor electric lighting and electric heating systems
- Pipelines of cold and hot water supply, heat supply, centralized sewerage of household, industrial and storm sewage, devices of indoor water supply systems, heating and sewerage
- Installation of technological equipment, commissioning related to:
- Communication, emergency protection, control and alarm systems, blocking on transport, power and water supply facilities, other life support facilities, as well as industrial metering and control devices
- Special work in soil, including:
- Drilling works in the ground
- Foundation
- Construction of load-bearing and (or) enclosing structures of buildings and structures (including bridges, transport overpasses, tunnels and overpasses, other artificial structures), including overhaul repair and reconstruction of facilities, including:
- Installation of monolithic and assembly of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures, laying of piece elements of walls and partitions and filling openings
- Roofing
- Mining and tunneling works, installation of ground water cutoff
- Installation of metal structures
- Installation of building structures of tower and mast type, chimney stacks
- Construction of roads and railways, including overhaul repairs and reconstruction, including:
- Foundations and coatings, protective structures and arrangement of highways of the III, IV and V technical categories, as well as the carriageway of streets of settlements that are not mainstream
- Special construction and installation work for the laying of linear structures, including overhaul repair and reconstruction, including:
- Steel tanks (containers), including those working under pressure or intended for explosive and fire hazardous or other hazardous (harmful) liquid or gaseous substances)
License of the State Institution “Department of State Architectural and Construction Control of the East Kazakhstan Region” “Construction and Installation Works” 2-category No. 19015521 dated 23.07.2019:
- Arrangement of engineering networks and systems, including overhaul repair and reconstruction, including:
- Power supply networks and outdoor electric lighting devices, indoor electric lighting and electric heating systems
- Networks of cold and hot water supply, heat supply, centralized sewerage of household, industrial and storm sewage, devices of indoor water supply systems, heating and sewerage
- Construction of roads and railways, including overhaul repairs and reconstruction, including:
- Grounding and coatings of runways of airfields and helipads
- Foundations and coatings, protective structures and arrangement of highways of the III, IV and V technical categories, as well as the carriageway of streets of settlements that are not mainstream
- Foundations and topsides of railway tracks
- Special work in soil, including:
- Drilling works in the ground
- Foundation
- Construction of load-bearing and (or) enclosing structures of buildings and structures (including bridges, transport overpasses, tunnels and overpasses, other artificial structures), including overhaul repair and reconstruction of facilities, including:
- Mining and tunneling works, installation of ground water cutoff
- Installation of monolithic and assembly of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures, laying of piece elements of walls and partitions and filling openings
- Roofing
- Installation of metal structures
- Installation of building structures of tower and mast type, chimney stacks
- Installation of supporting structures of bridges and bridge crossings
- Installation of technological equipment, commissioning related to:
- Communication, emergency protection, control and signaling systems, blocking on transport, power and water supply facilities, other life support facilities, as well as industrial metering and control devices
10, Beybit Atom street, 071100, Kurchatov, East Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: (722-51) 3-35-49, Fax: (722-51) 3-31-25, е-mail:;
Head of Design Department, IAE NNC RK – Kadyr Serikkhanovich Sadykov, Tel:, (722-51) 3-35-49, inner 44-85, Fax: (722-51) 3-31-25, е-mail: