


The Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics and Control, IAE branch of the NNC RK, which performs work under the industrial environmental control program, includes a spectrometric section. The premises of the spectrometric section have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion certificate.

The main tasks solved by the Laboratory:

  • Radiation monitoring on the territories of radiation exposure objects. Objects of control: water, soil.
Measurement of activity in loads on the CANBERRA gamma-spectrometer

There is a gamma-spectrometry section in the Neutron Physics Laboratory, IAE NNC RK, which determines radionuclide composition of various natural and technology-related objects and measures radionuclide activity.

Main tasks and methods:

  • activation methods of in-pile dosimetry;
  • determination of energy release in fuel compositions when implementing physical study of fuel rods and FAs as a part of experimental devices at the IGR and IVG.1M reactors;
  • γ-spectrometry and radiometry measurements of samples’ activity allowing perform non-destructive testing of radioactive materials directly at place where they are located;
  • research of coolant activity during start-up of the IBG.1M reactor. Determination of a fission products relative output using sampling gamma-spectrometry method;
  • conduction of instrumental neutron activation analysis using IVG.1M and IGR reactors.

Use of a collimated detector when conducting post-irradiation gamma-spectrometry of an ED

Head of the Technical Diagnostics and Control Laboratory, IAE NNC RK – Larisa Vladislavovna  Chernova, Tel.: (722-51) 3-35-49, inner: 42-52, Fax: (722-51) 3-31-25; е-mail:;

Head of the Neutron Physics Laboratory of the IAE, RSE NNC RK – Irina Valentinovna Prozorova, Tel.: (722-51) 3-35-49 Inner 43-40, e-mail: