Impulse research reactor IGR is a self-quenched uranium-graphite homogeneous thermal neutron reactor. It was established in 1958. In 1960, the physical start-up was implemented and the reactor was put into operation.
Among other impulse reactors with high integral power, the IGR reactor has the highest thermal neutron fluence in the experimental cavity 228 mm in diameter and 3825 mm high.
IGR reactor technical specifications:
- Thermal neutron flux density ……………………………..………………………. 7×1016 n/cm2×s
- Thermal neutron fluence ……………………………………..………….…………. 3.7×1016 n/cm2
- Impulse half-width, minimum…….………………..……………………………… 0.12 s
- Diameter/length of a central experimental channel .………………….. 0.228 /3.825 m
Within the most significant long-term scientific and technical programs implemented at IGR reactor, the following were studied:
– characteristics of model fuel elements and FAs of a nuclear rocket engine (NRE);
– radiation resistance of electric and automatic equipment for spaceships and aircrafts;
– launch modes for land NRE prototypes;
– reactor dynamics at reactivity up to 5 βэфф;
– characteristics of the regulating systems of impulse reactors;
– release and deposition of fission products in gas circuits the sources of which were a fuel of various composition;
– performance limit for fuel elements and FAs of different purpose – space, transport, research and power.
Possessing a unique combination of characteristics, the IGR reactor remains one of the most demanded for testing reactor fuel in extreme conditions and one of the world’s best tools for solving problems associated with dynamic testing of nuclear facilities. The results of this kind of tests are the direct and most representative way of obtaining experimental data on the fuel behavior in transient and emergency operation modes.