The KTM Tokamak is used for research and development of methods to obtain the working parameters of the plasma for further material research of interaction between plasma and materials of the first wall and divertor of future TNR.
Main design parameters of the KTM Tokamak:
Maximum plasma current ………………………………. 750 kА
Aspect ratio …………………………………………………….. 2
Toroidal field…………………………………………………… 1,0 T
Plasma vertical elongation ……………………………… 1.7
Plasma discharge time in ohmic heating mode ~1.0 s
Time of a plasma discharge with additional HF heating of plasma with a power of 5 MW absorbed in the plasma …………………………………… 4-5 s
In 2017, pre-commissioning and the first stage of the physical start-up of the KTM Tokamak was carried out, in 2019 the final stage of the physical start-up and commissioning of the KTM complex were carried out.
Currently the following researches are implemented:
– processes of plasma column formation of the KTM Tokamak and its reaching the nominal parameters;
– development of a methodological base for studying the interaction of KTM plasma with materials on a simulation test-bench with a plasma-beam installation;
– preparation of a complex of physical diagnostics and methods for determining the plasma parameters of the KTM Tokamak;
– providing support for experiments at KTM using computational methods and computational codes for plasma modeling;
– preparation, testing and development of methods for preionization and plasma heating of the KTM Tokamak ;
– experiments and testing the operating modes of the lithium divertor model based on the capillary-porous system; study of the interaction between hydrogen isotopes with lithium during reactor irradiation;
– an effect of irradiation with charged particles and plasma on sputtering and thermal erosion of the surface, accumulation of gas impurities and changes in the mechanical properties of promising materials for the protection of the TNR’s first wall;
– interaction between plasma and surfaces of candidate materials of the KTM Tokamak resulted from the plasma column breakdown;
– study of the regularities of the hydrogen isotopes capture by the first wall materials of the TNR;
– experimental and theoretical studies of the effects of plasma, hydrogen ions and helium ions on the near-surface and bulk layers of KTM materials.
Within the framework of the CIS Intergovernmental Agreement on the joint use of the KTM Tokamak, a research program has been developed and is being implemented at the Kazakhstani Material Testing Tokamak, which includes:
- research in plasma physics;
- research of physics of the interaction between plasma and plasma-faced materials and divertor of future TNR;
- creation and testing of diagnostics for studying the plasma-wall interaction;
- material studies of structural and functional materials of future TNR;
- research and implementation of new innovative technologies, in particular, the development of operating modes of the KTM lithium divertor model;
- development of an automation system, control and data collection, experimental verification of calculation codes.