

Nuclear Weapon Nonproliferation and Security Workshop

In the framework of the initiative of N.A. Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who proclaimed 2019 as the Year of Youth and according to the Action Plan of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan, with the assistance of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, on September 25, 2019, the Nuclear Weapon Nonproliferation and Security Workshop was held at the Kazakhstan-American Free University for students, undergraduates, employees, and teaching staff of Ust-Kamenogorsk universities and UMP’s specialists.

The meeting addressed issues of the scientific community efforts in implementing the policy of nuclear weapon nonproliferation and security.

The meeting was opened by Yerezhep Alkhairovich Mambetkaziyev, the Member of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan, NAS RK Academician, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, President of KASU. He told about the International Movement of Scientists that arose in 1957, in accordance with the resolution of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in Pugwash (Canada) and about the creation of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan (PCK) on behalf of the Country Leadership under the Presidium of the Kazakhstani National Academy of Natural Sciences (KazNANS), informed about the tasks and work plans of the Committee and encouraged young scientists to become active participants in the Youth Activities of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan, which is created this year under the PCK.

Within the Workshop, Timur Miftakhovich Zhantikin, General Director of Kazakhstani Nuclear Power Plants JSC, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, PCK Member presented his report entitled “Project “Low Enriched Uranium Bank”. As part of the report, T.M. Zhantikin spoke about the important task being performed under the nonproliferation policy and the role of created Low Enriched Uranium Bank.

Arman Zhanarbekovich Miniyazov, the Head of the Laboratory, IAE RSE NNC RK, the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the NNC RK, the PCK Member with the report entitled “The role of Youth in the Activities of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists” spoke about the youth activities within the Pugwash movement of scientists and the Youth Department of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan. The Pugwash International Student/Youth Movement is a global and multidisciplinary network of students and young professionals involved in the interaction of science, technology, society and ethics. This year, a Youth Department is being created at the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan in order to develop and strengthen international scientific relations of students, young scientists and specialists.

Aliyev Seit Abeukhanovich, Senior Lecturer of Ecology Department at KazATU State Technical University named after Saken Seifullin, Director of the Atomic Energy Information Center of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, PCK, also addressed the participants during the meeting.