

Happy anniversary!

Today Kolbayenkov Alexander Nikolayevich, one of the most honored veterans of our enterprise, has reached the age of 75.

Kolbayenkov has been working at the enterprise since 1970 after graduating from the physics and technology faculty of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Physical and Energy Installations.

Alexander Kolbayenkov is a direct participant in all major experimental works carried out at the facility, starting with the physical start-up of the IVG.1 reactor in 1972, he participated in the development, creation and testing of the modernized RA and IVG.1M reactors and reactor systems. Alexander Nikolayevich made a great contribution to the organization and implementation of experimental research to substantiate the nuclear energy safety. A. Kolbayenkov contributes all his knowledge, skills and experience to the development and successful operation of unique systems of the “Baikal-1” Research Reactor Complex.

He is a highly qualified specialist, a skillful leader, an experienced mentor to young people, and a co-author of several inventions. Throughout his career, Alexander Nikolayevich constantly improved his skills and qualifications, shared his experience with the younger generation, for which he gained undisputed authority in the ranks of the enterprise’s employees.

Alexander Kolbayenkov  was repeatedly encouraged by the management of the enterprise and the industry. He was awarded the “Druzhba” order for merits to the state on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Minatom of Russia, an award pin “Veteran of Atomic Energy and Industry” honorary badge “Honored Worker of the Nuclear Industry” of the 1st degree (a gold badge), the badge “Semey yadrolyk synak poligonynyn zhabyluyna 20 zhyl”, medal “Yenbek ardageri”, anniversary medal “25 years of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, badge “Atom salasynyn uzdygy” and many others. He is an Honorary Freemen of Kurchatov.

The enterprise’s management and the entire team sincerely wish Alexander Nikolayevich long creative years, good health and cheery mood.