A personal scholarship of Director General RSE NNC RK for 2019 was awarded to young specialists of the IAE Branch RSE NNC RK.
Summarizing results of the contest, scholarships were awarded to:
- Olga Sergeyevna BUKINA, paper topic: “Systematization of X-ray structural study methods of atomic energy materials (structural and fuel materials)”;
- Olzhas Muratbekovich ZHANBOLATOV, paper topic: “Calculation of delayed energy release effects in tests at the IGR”;
- Svyatoslav Alexandrovich ZHURKIN, paper topic: “Analysis of the IGR core temperature measurement system development”;
- Nuriya Meyramkanovna MUKHAMEDOVA, paper topic: “Study of the mechanical activation modes effect on orthorhombic phase development in getter materials”;
- Kuanysh Kanatuly SAMARKHANOV, paper topic: “Investigation of low-temperature plasma of dense gases and metal vapors excited by products of the nuclear reaction 6Li (n, α)3H”.

Congratulations to the Fellows and wish them further success in research activity!