

ID-7 in-pile experiment successfully realized as part of the EAGLE international program

On June 22, 2022 the in-pile experiment ID-7 was successfully carried out based on complex of the IGR research reactor operated by the  National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  The purpose of the experiment was to obtain experimental data necessary to research the impact of  damping device, installed in the control rod guide tube of  reactor control and protection system, on the flow parameters of the corium  in case of a severe accident. Tasks determined by reactor start-up program have been fully completed, all reactor complex systems operated under routine.

This event marked the conclusion of important stage of long-term research program EAGLE. Investigation under the EAGLE Project were started in 1995 by order of Japanese Atomic Energy Company and included  in-pile  experiments to justify  safety of prospective sodium-cooled fast reactor. In 1998, the program was expanded with out-of-pile experiments. For this, in almost one year the National Nuclear Center constructed the unique EAGLE test-bench. Research in the framework of the program was implemented in some stages: in 1996-2006 – the EAGLE project was implemented, in 2007-2014 – the EAGLE-2 project was implemented. Currently, the research on the EAGLE-3 project is nearly to be completed.

Unique experimental data obtained during the implementation of work are used to refine the modeling criteria and develop optimal and safe design for future prospective reactors.

Assembly process of the ID-7 experimental device at the IGR complex
Preparation for in-pile reactor of the ID-7 experiment at the IGR complex of research reactor