

Young Scientists Summit – 2024

On Science and Cosmonautics Day – April 12th, 2024, the Young Scientists Summit “Zhas Galymdar Summiti -2024” (Young Scientists Summit – 2024) was held in Astana IT University, Astana. The young scientists of the Institute of Atomic Energy Branch of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhsta (NNC RK) represented by Nuriya Mukhamedova (PhD), Senior Research Scientist of Laboratory for Materials Testing under Fusion Reactor Conditions and Artur Surayev (PhD), Senior Research Scientist of Laboratory for Studying Thermophysical and Neutronics Characteristics of Irradiation Devices, took part in the Summit.

This annual event gathered together young talented scientists of Kazakhstan from various scientific fields and provided a platform for the exchange of ideas, discussion of joint activity on scientific and engineering projects, as well as to share interests and opinions on the development of science in the country. The key objective of the Summit is to stimulate interaction among young scientists, enabling them to share experiences and knowledge in different disciplines.

The first part of the Summit was devoted to an interactive question-and-answer session. Nurbek Sayasat, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MSHE RK) opened the event with his welcoming speech. The Summit’s speakers were Zhaksylyk Sabitov, Ivan Trusov, Aliya Alzhanova and Nurhat Zhakiyev, the members of the first membership of the Young Scientists Council under the MSHE RK. The brief presentations were followed by the number of questions from participant regarding the relevant topics on the features and timing of examinations of competitive applications and reports, the issues of project commercialization and attracting business investors, the quality of preparation and submission of competitive applications, the development opportunities for young scientists within the framework of post-doctoral studies, the continuity of generations; the importance of learning English to enable communication with foreign scientists and much more. Moreover, on the sidelines, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of the Science Committee, Fund of Science and the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise.

The event ended with the announcement of the next (third) membership of the Council of Young Scientists under the MSHE RK.

The second part of the Summit will take place on April 25th  -26th in Turkestan jointly with the International Science and Technology Center, and includes workshops, presentations of projects of young scientists with networking and meetings with experts from Japan. The event will be devoted to the interdisciplinary research, international cooperation, artificial intelligence and space, climate change, health and medicine, cooperation between science and industry, as well as future trends in science and technology development.