Solemn Events Dedicated to the 120 Years since N.A. Dollezhal’s Birth
On 30 October 2019, V.V. Baklanob, the First Deputy Director, IAE Branch NNC RK, took part at the unveiling of the N.A. Dollezhal Monument on the same-name squire in front of NIKIET JSC building, as well as in a solemn meeting of Scientific and Technical Council dedicated to this event.
Nikolay Antonovich Dollezhal – Soviet energy scientist, designer of nuclear reactors and professor. In 1952, Dollezhal headed the “Special Institute” also known as SRI-8 (nowadays is NIKIET), which was established to design reactors of all types, and lead it for 34 years.
N.A. Dollezhal’s name also associated with creation of the first Soviet industrial reactors, the world’s first nuclear power plant, a nuclear power plant for the first domestic nuclear submarine, nuclear rocket engines, research reactors, and rather more. In 1961, Dollezhal created the “nuclear” department entitled “Energy Machines and Installations” at MHTU and lead it for 25 years.
There are well-established long-term ties between National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NIKIET. The history of cooperation dates back to the 1960s, when the IVG.1 reactor was created, the project developer of which is NIKIET. Today, NNC RK and NIKIET are reliable partners. A joint project is currently being implemented to test fuel rod mockups with fresh SNUP-fuel from the innovative Brest-OD-300 reactor at the IGR reactor with a rapid increase in power.